I have been a little put off at Mike Huckabee since he ran in the Republican Primaries time before last. But today I credit him for his country-boy savvy in calling it right on gun issues while on fox. Unlike those Fox regulars and contributors who have been joining the gun debate, blindly offering their unqualified, mostly erroneous opinions due to their immersion in antigunism--Governor Huckabee knows guns. I once had an invitation from a Ducks Unlimited icon to duck hunt with him and the Governor during a dedication of some wetlands near Little Rock. (Unfortunately, I was unable to make the date.) So, I know that the Gov knows which end of the barrel the projectiles come out of.
It took him to finally point out for the first time I have yet heard it pointed out--that so-called assault weapons are not really military weapons. Tucker Carlson, whose heart at least is in the right place on gun issues, reiterated that such distinction is almost never pointed out. And he is right--it never is--although it makes all the difference in the world. I am guessing that it will not be repeated much--and surely not from the other news channels.
I am also seeing some presence of mind lately added to such discussions as the NYJ's outing of the gun owners list from Fox and others--having evidently received a baptism by fire from irate knowledgeables pointing out the obvious (to anyone who has a brain and understand gun issues) downside to publishing such a list. The Fox discussion, which was weak from the get-go when it came to showing any real understanding of these issues, now seems to at least include this downside--which is actually the only side this issue has. The other news sources have not changed their stance.
This seems consistent with my declarations that the Fox news folks and contributors are too-much influenced by their NYC/California/Journalist/ Academia paradigm to even know the differences. Now they seem to be coming around somewhat. I have been ranting from the moment the NYJ made the stupid move, while feeling like one voice in a sea of stupidity. But apparently I have not been alone, as these same downside issues are now being voice on Fox--if nowhere else.
there are many topics that I don't much understand--but the don't relate to gun issues.