Btw, what does "FUTURE FUNCTIONALITY" mean??? Does it mean for me? The web site? What? I am only guessing that this is the correct selection from the pull-down menu.
I am a veteran using the VA Healthcare system; I am now disabled and can no longer work, but when I did, I was deeply involved with computers and the Internet. I have designed websites and was among the first of my peers to become computer and then Internet savvy. I have remained updated on Internet issues and use the Internet daily. I was excited when it was first announced that VA services would be made available and was among the first to sign up and use this site. I became authenticated early-on as per the requirements at the time. I have never been able to use the full extent of this site because it was either not yet available or was too user-unfriendly to wade through.
Just now, I attempted to go through the process to further authenticate myself so that I can know when my appointments are--since the VA has apparently quit sending notices of appointments or calling to remind. The automated phone system is cumbersome and time-consuming, so I would prefer using the Internet as I do for most things in life. After filling out a lot of cryptic Identification answers, I was told that I failed to identify myself properly (like I don't know who I am), because I did not fill the information out "correctly". This was after I was cautioned to be extra careful to be absolutely correct in the information or I would not be allowed to try again--that I would only be given two tries. It is not that hard for me to answer the questions correctly--but as it said my information had to match "readily-available public records"--I can guess the information that was supposedly "wrong". It wanted me to select the name of a geographical area that I have supposedly used as my address recently. The selection did not have the correct place to select. It had one which is fairly close to where I live (and in retrospect, pops up sometimes in unsolicited Internet ads as if it is my CORRECT address--but it is NOT, and NEVER HAS BEEN.) Oh, far be it to think that the Internet could have me confused with someone else or have my residence incorrect. Well, they obviously have. It is a sad state of affairs when I can walk into an ACE Hardware that i have never been to and upon providing my phone number they can retrieve a full dossier regarding my existence that I have never provided to them. This so-called public information was never provided to anyone but has been gleaned from various illegal sources on the Internet. But because the algorithms and cross-references that have illegally attempted to peg who I am have it incorrect--I have to suffer by not being properly identified by a government web site sufficiently to retrieve my VA appointment information as if anyone else would even want it. I CAN order controlled substances and have them sent through the mail where anyone can access them en-route or from my mailbox--without any problem--but I cannot find out if I have any VA appointments. If I miss any of those appointments I can be kicked out of the system, according to the rules--which I hope they will not enforce until I figure out if or when I have an appointment and where and with whom. The phone system will tell me IF I have an appointment and when--but not where or with whom I have it.
The authentication process and related sites and instructions are so complex--using acronyms and unfamiliar more-recent-than-my-service governmental esoteric jargon--that I can only guess as to what they are referring to. I have actually TAUGHT Internet design from a marketing stand-point, which HAS to be user friendly to get results. This governmental VA related Internet experience is worthy of being cited as the very antithesis of what is user-friendly. Even as dated as my own experience is--I could very quickly convert his site to a USER-FRIENDLY site by observing just a few basic principles. But do I have any hopes that this will ever happen? Not a breath of a hope! It is obviously designed by a bunch of undoubtedly intelligent propeller-heads (that's a compliment)--who seem to take pride in there excellence in geekism without any sense of actually trying to make their site useful and easy.
I wondered recently why a VA rep was walking around the waiting rooms of the VA hospital offering to explain how to get on the Internet and use the available services (btw, I asked him to help me figure out how to retrieve my appointment schedule; he said he'd help me and then promptly had to leave the premises without helping me at all) . Now I understand WHY NO ONE UNDERSTANDS AND SO FEW PEOPLE ARE USING THE INTERNET. It is NOT because they are stupid. It is just that it is too darned difficult to wade through. I am hopeful that I will eventually be able to have myself properly identified to the system to where I can use it for such top-secret appointment info. But not without adding to an already burdensome marathon of activities I already have to endure when I go to the VA hospital. Never-mind that I am chronically ill and can barely find the wherewithal to go at all. But now I have to walk no-telling how far within the hospital corridors and be referred to the wrong place, as I was recently--twice--and have to retrace my steps and wait in line each time only to be told that I am at the wrong place.
Everyone--especially the doctors--are obviously under such duress now that they spend most of their time while you are there--trying to computer document their own actions and cover their own butts that you barely even know if they hear your health concerns. Simple emails are answered with an obvious slant more toward documenting things to deflect any criticism of themselves that their attitude of disdain is about all that even comes through.
As you may guess, I am not very pleased with my just-defeated attempt to check my appointments.
I truly fear that I will be now labeled as a trouble-maker and get even worse treatment. I hope not. It would really be nice if someone would hear the pain and defeat behind the complaint and someone try to help me, but I ain't holding MY breath for this. It is apparent that everyone there hates their jobs AND vets like me.
I will probably figure this out before I die. Maybe not. But I feel for the poor old guys who have not a clue about computers and the internet. If I, a former computer/Internet professional, am having this much trouble--there is no hope at all for the rest of us old guys.
Sincerely, Douglas p. Wright (and no, I do not live in Cordova--nor have I EVER lived in Cordova!!!!)
I am a veteran using the VA Healthcare system; I am now disabled and can no longer work, but when I did, I was deeply involved with computers and the Internet. I have designed websites and was among the first of my peers to become computer and then Internet savvy. I have remained updated on Internet issues and use the Internet daily. I was excited when it was first announced that VA services would be made available and was among the first to sign up and use this site. I became authenticated early-on as per the requirements at the time. I have never been able to use the full extent of this site because it was either not yet available or was too user-unfriendly to wade through.
Just now, I attempted to go through the process to further authenticate myself so that I can know when my appointments are--since the VA has apparently quit sending notices of appointments or calling to remind. The automated phone system is cumbersome and time-consuming, so I would prefer using the Internet as I do for most things in life. After filling out a lot of cryptic Identification answers, I was told that I failed to identify myself properly (like I don't know who I am), because I did not fill the information out "correctly". This was after I was cautioned to be extra careful to be absolutely correct in the information or I would not be allowed to try again--that I would only be given two tries. It is not that hard for me to answer the questions correctly--but as it said my information had to match "readily-available public records"--I can guess the information that was supposedly "wrong". It wanted me to select the name of a geographical area that I have supposedly used as my address recently. The selection did not have the correct place to select. It had one which is fairly close to where I live (and in retrospect, pops up sometimes in unsolicited Internet ads as if it is my CORRECT address--but it is NOT, and NEVER HAS BEEN.) Oh, far be it to think that the Internet could have me confused with someone else or have my residence incorrect. Well, they obviously have. It is a sad state of affairs when I can walk into an ACE Hardware that i have never been to and upon providing my phone number they can retrieve a full dossier regarding my existence that I have never provided to them. This so-called public information was never provided to anyone but has been gleaned from various illegal sources on the Internet. But because the algorithms and cross-references that have illegally attempted to peg who I am have it incorrect--I have to suffer by not being properly identified by a government web site sufficiently to retrieve my VA appointment information as if anyone else would even want it. I CAN order controlled substances and have them sent through the mail where anyone can access them en-route or from my mailbox--without any problem--but I cannot find out if I have any VA appointments. If I miss any of those appointments I can be kicked out of the system, according to the rules--which I hope they will not enforce until I figure out if or when I have an appointment and where and with whom. The phone system will tell me IF I have an appointment and when--but not where or with whom I have it.
The authentication process and related sites and instructions are so complex--using acronyms and unfamiliar more-recent-than-my-service governmental esoteric jargon--that I can only guess as to what they are referring to. I have actually TAUGHT Internet design from a marketing stand-point, which HAS to be user friendly to get results. This governmental VA related Internet experience is worthy of being cited as the very antithesis of what is user-friendly. Even as dated as my own experience is--I could very quickly convert his site to a USER-FRIENDLY site by observing just a few basic principles. But do I have any hopes that this will ever happen? Not a breath of a hope! It is obviously designed by a bunch of undoubtedly intelligent propeller-heads (that's a compliment)--who seem to take pride in there excellence in geekism without any sense of actually trying to make their site useful and easy.
I wondered recently why a VA rep was walking around the waiting rooms of the VA hospital offering to explain how to get on the Internet and use the available services (btw, I asked him to help me figure out how to retrieve my appointment schedule; he said he'd help me and then promptly had to leave the premises without helping me at all) . Now I understand WHY NO ONE UNDERSTANDS AND SO FEW PEOPLE ARE USING THE INTERNET. It is NOT because they are stupid. It is just that it is too darned difficult to wade through. I am hopeful that I will eventually be able to have myself properly identified to the system to where I can use it for such top-secret appointment info. But not without adding to an already burdensome marathon of activities I already have to endure when I go to the VA hospital. Never-mind that I am chronically ill and can barely find the wherewithal to go at all. But now I have to walk no-telling how far within the hospital corridors and be referred to the wrong place, as I was recently--twice--and have to retrace my steps and wait in line each time only to be told that I am at the wrong place.
Everyone--especially the doctors--are obviously under such duress now that they spend most of their time while you are there--trying to computer document their own actions and cover their own butts that you barely even know if they hear your health concerns. Simple emails are answered with an obvious slant more toward documenting things to deflect any criticism of themselves that their attitude of disdain is about all that even comes through.
As you may guess, I am not very pleased with my just-defeated attempt to check my appointments.
I truly fear that I will be now labeled as a trouble-maker and get even worse treatment. I hope not. It would really be nice if someone would hear the pain and defeat behind the complaint and someone try to help me, but I ain't holding MY breath for this. It is apparent that everyone there hates their jobs AND vets like me.
I will probably figure this out before I die. Maybe not. But I feel for the poor old guys who have not a clue about computers and the internet. If I, a former computer/Internet professional, am having this much trouble--there is no hope at all for the rest of us old guys.
Sincerely, Douglas p. Wright (and no, I do not live in Cordova--nor have I EVER lived in Cordova!!!!)
You'll find some interesting points in time in this write-up but mostly I am just a shameless spammer trying to use other people's intellectual property to promote my lousy goods. If you are truly stupid, you may find my links interesting. However, beware of possible computer viruses I have set just for you. Silly people. don't buy my bad stuff. Ha!
red bottoms shoeslouboutin
Posted by: mymnawaicky | 05/09/2013 at 12:45 PM