The publication of a list of presumed gunowners is probably that it provides a shopping list for specialty burglars who deal in ripping-off firearms
The most obvious argument against the publication of a list of presumed gunowners is probably that it provides a shopping list for specialty burglars who deal in ripping-off firearms and selling them on the black-market where they wind up illegally in the hands of ciminals and gangmembers who are unable to buy them legally. Perhaps an even more compelling reason for not publishing such a list of registered gun permit holders is out of consideration for those who are not found on that list. Given the interactive map that accompanied the list, another shoppinglist of sorts is made available to criminal burglars and especailly home-invasion speicalists. Armed with this list and illegally acquired firearms these home-invasion specialists have a very good target list where they will more than likely meet no armed resistance. How forunate for the criminals that the NYJ did so much work in their behlf. We can only hope that the gun-desising friends of the NYJ fares as well as do the gun-owners outed by their irresponsible, no stupid, journalism.
But wait, there is another group who maybe justifiably indignant regarding this published hit-list. Unlike the rest of free-America, a bar of justification is required in these gun-ownership-challenged zones. Only those who can reasonably justify their need for guns are permitted. Presumably, this list would include such exemplary citizens as law-enforcement personell, judges, high-profile attorneys, mayors, aldemen, wealthy businessmen, jewlers, bankers, teachers and school principals?? (of course not).
So those outed are those who presumably correspond roughly to a list of those that the underworld element would not wish well. And here they now can know or able to extrapolate whom of these are armed, whom are not armed and as a bonus have an interactive map showing where they live and their full names. Isn't this special. And yet, no one on Fox news, let alone on other more liberal news sources, seems to understand ho wshameless and unethical the actions of the NYJ was in publishin gthis information. I am guessing that those who did this will have actual blood on their hands. I am guessing that this was not the intent of those at the NYJ. So what was their intent? Again, I am only guessing that whatever it was,they blew it.
The Fox noon discussion group were in agreement that this should be public information, as they would certainly want to know that there were guns in the homes of those in their communities where they migth allow their children to go. Classic, uninformed, dumb, prejudicial. Maybe they would also appreciate a published list of ethnicity, religion or lack of, sexual orientation, income, swinger-status.
The odds of a firearm accident occuring in the home of a legal gun-owner is so infitisimal that that winning the lottery is more likely--even less likely in such a controlled ownership jurisdiction (yes, I knowling admit that, as a peril of living free). but of course, the odds of those alternate-universe news-folks know such statistics, are even slimer.
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