So you have a genius idea. Here's what it takes to get a new product to market.
I have a flare for ideas. It is sometimes a curse.m I am inundated with way more ideas than I can use. I have been employeed in one way or another for my ability to produce new ideas. I can't help it. So it has usually been a blessing. I have always had a steady flow of invention ideas. Only recently have I had the time and where-withall to get back to bringing some of htese ideas to fruition.
Most of my invention ideas come to me as a potential solution to a problem that I or someone close to me experiences. I am a problem solver, so I naturally start thinking of better ways to do things. I recently had a killer idea. To me it appear to be a sure bet. I was right. But I had expended a lot of time and effort designing various prototypes until I designed one that was acceptable.
I was elated and ready to apply for a patent. I did more extensive Internet research for competing patents. This was a mistake only in that I did not do it soon enough, as I uncovered a patent that solved the same problemthat I was working on. And it did it better than mine. I was abit deflated,.although the exercise was gratifying at more levels than a financial payoff.
I have been a professional most of my life. In aq semi-retired status due to health constraints, I have begun to indulge latent talents and works with my hands. I have been teaching myself the machinist craft and have equiped myself with a respectable machine shop.
I t is nice to be able to visualize some mechnical device and then gor make it whether our of wood, plastic, metal, or other materials. It's like magic to me.And it is indulging a portion of my brain that has lng been neglected. I feel that such activities help keep our brains young.
Also, during the process of perfecting my own design, I came up with other spin-off ideas tha may indeed prove to be worthy of patenting. Meanwhile, I have ordered the divice that solved my original problem. I will or course use it. It may serve to remind me to do my research more throughly in the beginning, and it may inspire me to go them one better.
Stinulate your mind. Learn a new skill or anew language. Studies have shown definitively that learning to juggle actually builds new path and nueron chains in the brain which can translate to new ways of thinking while doing other things.