The following is a report agout from the time of the American Civil War about a then new technology. These same old tired arguments have been tried and rejected by the courts over and over again.
Winchester’s lever-action Henry rifle: 187 shots were fired in three minutes and thirty seconds and one full fifteen shot magazine was fired in only 10.8 seconds. A total of 1,040 shots were fired and hits were made from as far away as 348 feet at an 18 inch square target with a .44 caliber 216 grain bullet [compare the .22 caliber 55 grain AR-15 round. This was common nineteenth century technology when the Fourteenth Amendment trumped state laws denying citizens of United States the constitutional right to keep and bear arms for self-defense.
These clever charades have already been rejected. They have been ruled upon by the courts. The Supreme Court has recently upheld our gun rights. Why do gun-ban advocates keep on trying to force their limited views on the rest of us? Why, ndeed. Answer this question and you will know more than they want you to know.