If you actually believe that on the "same day", a crazy Chinese man went berserk with a knife and stabbed 20 children, killing none, please contact me about some highly desirable vacation properties for sale in the North Memphis Downtown. (1) This Newsflash is purported as a parallel event that happens and is reported directly after each and every "shooting crisis" that has happened beginning with Columbine. (2) If it is merely a rhetorical argument, it is a poor one; those who know both the danger and the statistics regarding deaths caused by edged weapons fully understand that 1 in 3 people wounded from intentionally being cut with a knife in a combative situation dies, where only 1 in 12 people who are shot die. A knife in close quarters is the weapon of choice. It is omnidirectional, much more difficult to disarm, and more lethal more often. Psychologically a knife used as a weapon spills more blood and instills more terroristic fear than does a firearm.(3) China is not, has never been, and will never be the ideal after which, Americans model their laws or lifestyle--at least until America becomes an oppressive and evil totalitarian government. Stupid comparison, but apparently not too stupid to fool the primary liberal talking heads, as they keep citing it. (4) If such an event HAD happened, whether involving firearms or knives, we would never know about it, as there is no such thing as a Free Media in China. As far as anyone is officially concerned, China is a Utopian success story where people are so happy that no such things ever happen.(5) More children, particularly female children, were forcibly aborted by governmental mandate in China, on the SAME DAY, than the total number of children who live in America. (6) More people have been executed summarily for "wrong thinking" by this same Chinese government since it came to power than currently LIVE in all but three of the rest of the other of the world's major countries--as estimated by most Western historians. (7) More unarmed people are shot by Chinese police any given second, than died by gunshot in America in any one day--ever. Yes, I've got that property. Any takers???