I think I have it figured out.
Harry Reid must be jealous of Mitt Romney. He wants to be the “face of Mormonism.”
And why not? Harry has a very kind face, abetted in public discourse by his soft-spoken and gentle demeanor. He wants to help people, not categorize them into percentages that begin with the number 47. He wants to do good in the world by, oh, giving people more government largesse.
Doggone it, it’s just not fair, is it Harry? Mean Mitt versus Humble Harry. He gets to be the public example of Mormonism and you languish on the sidelines, no applause within earshot.
Well, there’s a reason your comments about Mitt Romney tarnishing Mormonism brought derisive laughter from fellow members, Brother Reid. Let me explain it to you.
Sing the Right Hymns
At a meeting with church members attending the Democratic National Convention, you asked the group to join with you in singing “Have I Done Any Good in the World Today?” A very good hymn, as long as one remembers the second word in the title.
But if you really wanted to advance a better understanding of our religion, you could begin by leading your friends in singing such hymns as “O Say What Is Truth” or “Truth Reflects Upon Our Senses.” And live by them.
In 1974, the United States Congress passed and the President signed the Congressional Budget Act that required Congress to pass a national budge
via www.ldsmag.com
This is one Mormon who feels approximately the same as I do regarding Harry Reid's recent shameful public outbursts.