How awful. It just seems that some things are going to happen. What are the odds of being intwo shootings at two places within such a short time? Laws cannot control such errant human behavior.Try as we, or partisan politicists may, no one is at fault here but the shooter. Sense cannot be made of the insane.
This young lady, was in the wrong place at the wrong time.That's all. By-the-way, Tronto has very harsh gun-control laws.
A Winchester 870 shotgun was pruportedly one of the weapons used in colorado. This is likely the most popular old stand-by shotguns used for hunting. There are millions in the hands of law-abiding Americans. An AR15 knock-off was purportedly also used. The AR15 carbine (short rifle) is also a very poular sporting gun. Millions are owned by Americans. The rifle "looks bad", as do many fully automatic military guns made on the same frame. However, there is a world of difference between these two rifles.
It is clear to me that in a crowed theater the common pump-action shotgun used, was by far the most destructive ofm the two. This is because it shoots a "spray" of tiny lethal projectiles with each shot. These spread out in a sider patter with distance.
I can think of no law that would have stopped this tragic event from happening. Gun-control is not even at play here. The man was a genius level student schooled in chemistry and biology. He could have shipped up a bomb or lethal chemical potion to use from common household substances, had he wanted to.
On the same morning of this tragedy, or any other morning, 80 million legally-armed Americans DID NOT kill anyone. To demand harsher gun-control measures to infringe the rights of good Americans would be as silly as demanding that all Americans abandon their cars and driving, because so many people killed by a minority of drivers who drive while drunk (which we all know is also illegal.)
drunken drivers.
Anyone who brings up gun-control measures as a result of this senseless tragedy, clearly is misinformed or has a hugelyt biased anti-gun political agenda. It has been proven in recent years, unequivicaly, that more guns in the hands of good American citizens makes for a safer society in general--such horrible tragedies notwithstanding.