TheDC Exclusive – The Obama administration snubbed top GOP oversight official Rep. Darrell Issa on his first major document deadline as new chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, sending a short letter promising to comply in response to a major information request that was due Saturday at noon.
But Issa is hitting back Tuesday with a demand key documents be sent in two days.
The Obama snub is the first sign of how the administration will respond to demands for documents and testimony by key officials from Republicans in control of the House now that the GOP holds the power of congressional subpoena.
A Jan. 28 letter from the Department of Homeland Security promised to cooperate with Issa’s document request sent Jan. 14 – but Issa’s deadline for the documents expired the next day.
The media is not saying anything about this, but it is apparent that President Obama feels that he and his administration are accountable to NO ONE. But HE IS! He has repeatedly trampled upon the established procedures of the Rule of Law established by The Constitution. He has ignored the rights of the majority of the citizens. Now he is thumbing his nose at Congress.
They can't even prove Obama is a citizen of the United States. Obviously he feels he is above the law. Citizens, WATCH OUT! This man is getting ready to do all kinds of mischief during the next two years. Just watch. The disallowing of the Second Ammendment will be next. Mark my words.