Personal thoughts, intended to be provoking, but not necessarily my beliefs. I often take one side opposing another of my previous posts for the sake of discussion. In recent years I have begun to take a more conservative slant toward my posts, largely in an effort to balance against a liberal mainstream media bias.
A jobs sign above the US Chamber of Commerce in Washington, DC. IMF chief
Dominique Strauss-Kahn said Tuesday he did not see the United States having
problems financing its massive deficit.
Source: AFP - Copyright AFP 2008, AFP stories and
photos shall not be published, broadcast, rewritten for broadcast or publication
California's trying to take the lead on marine protection with a new, and controversial, plan to ban or restrict fishing all along its Pacific coast. One of the excuses used to justify the new, over-reaching laws? Wait for it... Global Climate Change!
Over the past four years, our investigative team has revealed repeated cases of Planned Parenthood affiliates covering up the statutory rape of underage girls and enabling sexual abusers. The footage corroborates a 2002 extensive study of Planned Parenthood clinics performed by Life Dynamics. Through a series of phone calls, the...
The article by Eyder Peralta was originally given the title “Group Behind ACORN Undercover Videos, Sets Up Planned Parenthood ‘Sting.’” The ACORN investigation was conducted by James O’Keefe and Hannah Giles for O’Keefe’s Veritas Visuals organization, while the Planned Parenthood investigation released today was conducted by Lila Rose and her team at Live Action. Ms. Rose was not involved in the ACORN videos. NPR has since corrected the headline, which is especially convenient because we also take issue with their comma usage as well as their decision to use scare quotes around the word “sting.” The URL slug of the updated version of the post still contains the original headline:
The folks at Live Action discreetly let NPR know they had mischaracterized the organization, and NPR obliged with a correction, but the fact that this error was made at all is extremely revealing. Live Action’s investigation clearly demonstrates a manager of a government-funded organization, trusted to abide by the law, advising young people to perform illegal (and immoral) activities, even offering tips to not get caught, yet NPR ran the story with the aforementioned headline. Their editorial staff used a false fact as an attempt to diminish Live Action’s findings, portraying the investigation in a controversial light instead of letting their audience simply see and hear the facts for themselves. While we appreciate the correction, this was a mistake that diligent and honest journalists never would have made.
But wait, there’s more.
NPR has since updated the headline to read “Conservative Group Sets Up Planned Parenthood ‘Sting.’” Live Action is a pro-life advocacy group and has never declared itself to be conservative. The sanctity of life is a complex moral issue that transcends boilerplate political labels and often unites liberals and conservatives; for example, Catholics are largely pro-life but tend to hold many positions considered “liberal.” This is another bogus headline that says more about NPR than it does about Live Action and their stellar work.
We request NPR correct this headline a second time.
First came WikiLeak’s revelations that Arab leaders were way more worried about an Iranian H-bomb than they were about the “Palestinians.” Indeed, they implored the USA and/or Israel to attack Iran and blow the mullah’s nuclear weapons program to kingdom come.
Then followed Al Jazeera’s PaliLeaks which (if legitimate) show that Western peace processors hold Jerusalem, settlements, and the right of return more sacred than the Palestinian Arabs do.
Now comes the peoples’ revolution spreading like wildfire in the Middle East, and there isn’t a burning Israeli flag, or a raised Palestinian flag, in sight.
From the start, these were all flimsy fairy tales to begin with. They were fabricated by anti-Zionist (anti-Semitic?) elements in academia, the media, the chatterati, the Muslim world and State Dept. Ultimately, they were elevated to received wisdom by nothing other than constant repetition playing upon the base inclinations of too many people.
Of those who should be shaking in their boots, Israel leads the pack. Israel has been villified by President Obama's Administration. I'm not sure what thi sis all about. Was it to curry favor with . . . ?
China's drive in international markets to replace the dollar and become the reserve currency globally has a lot to do with their strategic plans. It's not just about pure economics. There is a fascinating piece in Germany's Der Spiegel which spells out their efforts in detail. ...
While, China's strategic plan includes marginalizing the USA inflence in the world, The current Administration (certianly not excusing all of those contributors who came before him), has handed US (us) on a platter.
So, in a segment making fun of rightwingers, the hilarious Rachel Maddow quoted liberally from a website called The website had urged Sarah Palin to call for invading Egypt – making her a mummy grizzly ripe for Maddow’s mockery.
Rachel had to run with it.
And boy did she enjoy it. A little too much, perhaps.
Too bad it ain’t real.
See, Christwire is a parody site – all the stuff is made up.
Still, she fell for it like a tourist pawing at a fake Rolex.
But that’s no big deal. It happens. We get stuff like this pitched all the time and we’ve almost been taken. And, I’m still convinced Fred Phelps is a left-wing performance artist. A damn good one, I might add.
Anyway, Maddow let her lazy assumptions about the right get the better of her. Dripping with disdain for Palin and conservatives in general – she can’t see the difference between what’s real and what’s phony.
But that’s not what got me.
It was her rabid delivery. It creeped me out.
Look – both the right and left are easy to parody. The only difference: the left is coddled by the media, because the media is the left. It’s why nobody made fun of Obama. They are Obama.
And this makes their parody-detection muscles flabby. Comfortably cocooned in a shell of never questioned beliefs, asking them to detect political parody is like asking Michael Moore to run up ten flights of stairs.
The good news: RM admitted she fell for the joke.
Too bad she was the punchline.
And if you disagree with me, you’re worse than Hitler.
(That’s a joke – Rachel – it’s not really meant to mean you’re worse than Hitler)
One would think that after the rush to judgment about whom bore responsibility for the tragedy there--that Liberals would be a little slower to jump at the bait. In this case it was a complete hoax. Considered so far-fetched that it was used as an obvious joke by an obvious Liberal Parody Web Site.
Liberals are clamoring and climbing rediculously all over thmeselves to see who can make the biggest fools of themselves in an effort to paint Sarah Palin as stupid and uninformed. I'm telling you all, the jokes on all of you. And why get your undies all in a bunch about her. She IS influential, but she will never be president. I doubt seriously that she would want to.
As it now stands, she can pull every liberal chain that's hanging so conspicuously out there (just for grins), advance the Conservative movement more effectively by using the Liberal-led hysteria directed at her, and make huge bunches of money hand-over-fist--all while living an idealic life in a wonderful palce.
Al-Qaeda is actively tring to secure nuclear material and recruiting rogue
scientists to build a radioactive "dirty" bomb, according to leaked
diplomatic documents.
By Heidi Blake, and Christopher Hope6:45AM GMT 02 Feb 2011
A leading atomic regulator has privately warned that the world stands on the
brink of a "nuclear 9/11".
Rogue states are also increasing their efforts to secure chemical and
biological weapons, and the means to deploy them, leaving billions in the
world's most densely populated area at risk of a devastating strike, the
documents show.
States such as North Korea, Syria and Iran are developing long-range missiles
capable of hitting targets outside the region, records of top-level security
briefings obtained by WikiLeaks
Long-running hostilities between India and Pakistan – which both have nuclear
weapons capabilities – are at the root of fears of a nuclear conflict in the
region. A classified Pentagon study estimated in 2002 that a nuclear war
between the two countries could result in 12 million deaths.
Secret records of a US security briefing at an international non-proliferation
summit in 2008 stated that “a nuclear and missile arms race [in South Asia]
has the direct potential to lead to nuclear war in the world's
George, a tortoise believed to be the last living member of the Geochelone
abigdoni species, is thought to be almost 100 years old, and could have
another 50 years ahead of him.