my keyboard crashed.
is rscrewedeA speris enot aallowing dkeyboard ais bscrewed lupe credue tto repress lexacon for helping Employees of the many facets of The Department of Homeland Security define Extremism for the purpose of identifying poetentially dangerous people who might harm the state included groups and words such as Chritians, Jews, Conservatives, Veterans, Gunowners, Registered Repubicans, members of various institutions which most of us would have once considered benign even good even the basic fabric of our stable American Society.
So what kind of people are making these people out to be extremists and what are they afraid of? There is absolutely no evidence tat any of these people fester a danger to the government. Perhaps these people in the know, are speaking of the future? A future that includes an overthrow of the very institutions that we have so long taken for granted, where the governments rights come before God and Country (the people--not the government?)
Then yes these groups might pose a problem. They all generally fall under the label of Patriots. One would think that many of these people would indeed be potentially dangerous to those overthrowing our constitutionaly guranteed way of life. But no they really needn't worrry. So far no one seems to notice that this overthrow is all but over. The full ramifications have not yet dawned on many.
In 1971 while still in the Navy, I was shocked to find how bold a group of mostly young Communists were to openly discuss how they were well bout overthrowing the US government. I considered it mostly hog-wash and didn't take them too seriously. But they were emphatic about it. These were just a bunch of college students from good families and they really felt that Communism was the answer.
Many times, as I have observed each of the steps they outlined taking their toll on our government, I have thought of that young group of idealists. I have watched it all happen step by step just like they said it wold be done.
"I seriously doubt that one shot will ever be fired by any organized resistance." A pretty young flower-looking girl said smiling.
She may have been right. Then again as scary as the group gatheredinWashingtontorunourFederalGovernmentisthereisanothergrouphoardingfoodsuppliesandammo.Ammunition is beingboughtandsoldat a record pace in America. Spured on by the fears that the Obamma Administrations stated attempt to embrace a World Government by way of the UN, outlawing many freedoms including the right to own guns, people less organized than spontaneous are arming themselves to be assurred of having ammo to use and barter--and maybe even to fight--if the time ever comes.
I fear the time has come and gone. My house was mistakenly targeted to be stormed by Law Enforcement, until my neighbor tipped them off and convinced them that they had made a mistake.MywifeandIalmostdiedthatday.Myneighborsavedmylife.foramistake.
HaveyoueverwatchedthewayTVSWAT teams sorm a suspected bad guy hide-out house. The use surprise and they don't hold anything bac. they assume the worst. They seek to minimize the danger to themselves. They use tear gas,automaticweaponsstungrenadessmokebombsfire,batteringRamsetc.
Duringarealraid--sayforinstanceonyourhousebecauseyou'vebeenidentifiedas owning firearms whichhavebeendeamed illegal--thLaw willfirstriddleyourhousewith50caliberondownaoutomaticweapons.Your walls won't evenstopa small calibre bullet--much less the kind of firpower used militarily and increasingly by domestic law agencies to combat terrorist--which you could easily become--by the kind of definitions being thrown around in the lexecon prepared by the OHLS. You wouldn't standachance.
Notunlessyouhadamonitoringsecuritysystemcompletewithreal-timeTV viewsofeveryapporachtoyourhome.LEORadioScanners, grounds motion detectors night vision, IR cameras and an escape route hidden and a saferoom or entire tunnel system as was commonly used in days of old when govenments were less stable.
Some adevocate storing arms and ammo. I agree that for barterring, and killing game for food in a degraded society this is a prudent step. But it could alsogetyoutargetedasinstantoutlaws.Right nowitisnotillegaltohideyourarmsandammo. In fact you want them hidden to avoid theft. Many are doing just htat.
But to me an escape hatch and a safe bullet proofe hidden safehouse that can be accessed in the event of maurauders is your only real hope. And without the security measures mentioned (on your private electrical system) you are toast.
Maybe you should have voted last election.