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It is a medical condition that is thought to be caused by a lacking of various nuerotransmitters ,such as serotonin, dopomine nd many others, which are attributed to allowing people to experience feelings or normal well-being. It may also be linked with a failure for a body to produce other harmones. It is lnked to nutrition, and often is found coexisting with other chronic medical conditions.
Depression should be called something else, like feel-like-crap Syndrome, or really-really tired and unmotivatedism, or everything-hurts disease. It doen not necessarily denote "little D" depression or simple sadness. it is not a mood or a mood swing. It is a disease, a condition, and it requires serious treatment. If you know someone who has been diagnosed with Major Depression, they are not merely feeling sorry for themself=ves, and such things must not be expressed tothem if you hope to help them. It usually doesn't just go away unless the chemical lacking that causes it is solved. It is serious and it can kill you--in a variety of ways.
Karen Carpenter sang, "Rainy days and Mondays get me down." Feelings like this have come and gone before. No need to talk it out. We know what it's all about. Hangng around. Nothing to do but frown. Talking to myself and feeling blue."
Few people knew that as she sang this song, that she was turely dying from the affects of depression, which was linked to a developing disorder. Karen Carpenter dies of Major Depression, in one way or another. Some people, with their mental faculties encumbered, chooseto take their own lives in an attempt to gain relief.
Many famous pwople have suffered from major depression. TV announce rmike Wallace is one outspoken personality who suffered thorugh it and mostly overcame Major Depression over time with proper treatment. Alchoholism and addicitons are oftne an attempt for peoplesuufering from majr depression to self medicate. To kill the pain. This usually just exacerbates the problems.
Many people never get over Major Depression, but thye can learn to know the signs, hedge their emotions with knowledge and to be kind to thmeselves hwen they should, to minimize thier symptoms.
Major depression may not casue any blues or small D depression. It can cause edginess anxiety, and loss of aner control. It distorts a person's rality. Rather thatn looking at the world through rose colored glasses it distorts to view to be green, ble or black and white. It decreases one overall acuteness of sense. Colors ay not be vid=vid are literaly black ad white, tasted are not satisfying the zest of senses that makes life enjoyalbe can often be curbed.
Major Depression can mimick and even lead to other serious mental-physical problems. The negative stigma and misunderstanding of this serious illness, because it has long been classified as mental, still carries a negative societal stigma--primarily armong the ignorant and uneducated. Things are improving, but much distance has yet to be covered, before Major Depression. Family members or sufferers often refuse to admit to having the disease and forego seeking the treatment required to hep them and thier loved ones. It can be very frustrating if it is considered just a mere character flaw or laziness.
Although a trial to deal with for fmaily and associates of those afflicted with Major depression (used ot be called clinical Depression). However assigning blame should not be part of the treatment, anymore than is should for unpreventable cancers, genetic diabetis, MS, or any other debilitating disease. Modern medicine is rapidly cclosing the gap betwen disease cause by the mind and those cause by the body. By for the conncensus of medial and psychological authorities are concluding thea the nind and the mnody are inseperably connected. Efforts need to be made to force insurance companies to pay for treatment programs just as they will for strictly physical conditions. The move would actually reduce all illness, both mental and physical and reduce overall healthcare costs.
Although not imericallyproven, genetics seemsot play a big role in the propensity to have Major Depression. It may lie dormant for eyars and be captivated, as it were, with tauma and/or stress or loss of job, or grief in it's many m=forms, or severe disappointment.
Sensitive and caring epopel, such as artist and writers seem expecially at risk, as are combat veterans.
It is important to recongnize the signs of Major Depression. There are may authoritative web sites devoted to this end, which an Internet search will disclose. Beware of charlotons and snake-oil salesmen who pray on the vulnerable. There is some crdible evidence that a non-ppharmacuetical approach called Cognitive Theorpy may supplement other treatments, which also include electric-shock (not the same thing in the old moveies. It tries to reset your normal default mode, and sometimes works.m Nutrition can help, as can supplements, but for th emost part you need qualified, serioulsy educated professionals to discussall opitons. the condition can also be a symptom of other yet-undiuagnosed medial conditions such as pituitary ad adreanenale dysfunction, thyroid problems, diabetes, heart disease, and numberous others. It is NOT jus tin your head. Don't let anyone tell you that, as it shows antiquated views and ignorance--doctor ornot. Older doctors sometimes take this apporach. Althoug certainlynot all.