Romney is a Mormon, but he is not a Mormon. How so? Mormon has been applied and/or adopted by a variety of groups. Our Mormon presidential candidate is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day saints, often referred to as Mormons, but the term is fairly claimed by any number of other splinter groups, including practicing polygamists who definitely are NOT members of the LDS Church which is an abbreviated version of the official church named above.
So it is forgivable that Mr.O' Riely may not correct guest who are misinformed about the beliefs of The LDS Church. I don't know how much more clearly Governor Romney can be when he says that, "He believes in Jesus Christ and that none other is or can be his Savior."
Yet the following day an evangelical Christian minister can appear on The O'Reily Factor, and claim that anyone who votes for Romney is voting for Satan. Do they not believe in the same God?
I don't know which God the other man believes in, but members of the Church of Jesus Christ believe in the Jesus who died on the Cross and atoned for their sins. Does the other fellow believe in this Jesus? Their are a few important differences in the beliefs of Mormons from many other Christian denominations. Calling them a cult however is just tiresome and worn out propaganda in the form of name-calling. After all, Christianity is considered a cult by many other dominant world religions, and it has been considered a cult from the very beginning.
Does this evangelist not realize that there are more Buddhists in the World by the name of Chung than there are PEOPLE of all creeds who live in the entire United States of America.This evangelical person is either ignorant of the teachings of The LDS Church, or he is deliberately misleading people. Or maybe he is merely arrogant enough to presume to personally have the authority to dole out the blood of Jesus Christ only to whom he chooses. I believe our Christ might object to this notion.
One only has to point their browsers to or to know for certain that the church of Jesus Christ really is Christian. Perhaps a man as informed as Mr.O'Reily is would do well to research this claim for himself. Mr.O'Rielly, please get this right.
Doug Wright, Williston, TN.