John Archibald of The Birmingham News wrote a provocative article in last week’s Sunday Edition in which he argued that wanton gun violence is not a product of our right to, as he puts it, “bear-hug” all the arms we want, but a result of a failure to communicate about important gun-related issues, mainly gun safety.
“We need to talk about guns,” Archibald pleaded in his piece, because the “biggest threats to the Second Amendment are not the anti-gun, tree-hugging Greenpeace hippies. The biggest threats to responsible gun owners -- and to public safety -- are idiots with guns.”
Well, he makes a good point. Idiots with guns do present a major problem for society.
As Archibald correctly noted, “Guns really don't kill people. Idiots with access to guns kill people. They buy them on the black market, or by deception, and get their firearms training on MTV. They shoot into the air. They fire before they respect bullets.”
So, the question then becomes how does society prevent idiots from gaining access to firearms?
One solution would be to educate idiots on firearm safety. Archibald goes so far as