The United States as a whole is not a knife culture. In past generations, ethnic sub-cultures have been more notably inclined to use knives. Most of these culture have now turned to guns as their means of defense—but not completely. Blacks, Hispanics, Native Americans, Spanish, and Italians and Sicilians cover most of these groups.
In the late sixties, during the Viet Nam conflict, a Hispanic barracks mate of mine showed me how he carried a razor-blade in his mouth in uncertain situations and how to use it as a weapon. He warned me that his momma had taught him since before he could remember and not to try it, but l couldn’t resist the notion and after many cuts on lounge and cheek, I too learned how to do the same.
I am substantially part American Indian and as I attended BIA schools in the Alaskan bush, I routinely have carried knives , both folding and sheath-style ever since I can remember. Knife-handling experience was often taught through innocent looking games while at play. I believe these “games” and my affinity for edged weapons have saved my life several times.
A good folding knife, or several, can be very effective as a defense method, but only for those who are willing to take the time to learn some basics and to spend the time overcoming the squeamish fear that most people have of being cut by a knife.
A good way to begin overcoming your stigmatized fear of knives is to acquire a butterfly knife (officially known as a Bali-song knife). this type of knife is unique. It originated in the PI. Two handles encase a blade which can be gravitationally folded outward. It is said that there are 52 ways to open this type of knife.
It can be thrown from hand to hand and is very flashy in appearance when properly used. It is a good idea to use light leather gloves when first learning to use the Bali-song. In lieu of gloves, tape can be used to cover the sharp side of he blade. eventually you will want to use bare hands and no tape.
You will find yourself being cut with nicks or worse while practicing the Bali-song maneuvers. As you will be engrossed by your methods, you will barely notice the nicks.
It is a good idea to keep supplies handy to treat more severe cuts. You will soon come to realize the sight of blood doesn’t necessarily mean that you are seriously injured, thereby going a long way toward overcoming your inherent fear of blades.
The Bali-song is not legal to carry in most jurisdictions. I mention these drills merely as drills. A small fixed blade or good quality folder is best for defensive purposes. Good folding knives are not expensive anymore, although the better the quality, the more expensive they are. Ever since Spyderco patented the opening-hole in the folder blade, folders have become larger and easier to learn to open. However, those of us who knew the trick, knew how to open any folder long prior to the advent of Spyderco knives.
We merely placed a small piece of paper into the fold, near the axis, which would leave a enough of a oint sticking out so that when we pulled the clothing from a pocket, the point would snag and open as the knife was pulled out of the pocket. It is easy to carry multiple knives. It is easy to learn to throw a knife at close ranges which can be very intimidating to an assailant. Just don’t throw your last knife. With practice knives can be thrown effectively from considerable distance. I have been video taped using this technique from a back left pocket; I throw and apple into the air and produce the open knife in time to cut it on its way back down. This takes about a second.
I personally carry a knife in every pocket and one in a special inverted Kydex case attached to a leather thong, around my neck. I seldom remove the neck-knife even while bathing or swimming. It is always at my disposal when no other weapon is available.
Even while carrying a gun, I believe the knife defense to be a superior weapon in close quarters. I recommend carrying a knife to be available to your weak, non-gun hand. In a struggle, you will be using your strong hand to retain your handgun in its holster, while deploying your knife from the weak side to deter the attacker.
A knife draws lots of blood, is very hard for the average jo to disarm, and is omni-directional. It is easily concealed and with a little practice can be rapidly deployed. It is usually a surprise to the attacker. It is also a good means of distracting before escape. Lethality is also more easily controlled.
There are many knife methods. My favorites are derived from the the Filipino martial arts—Kali, Escrima, and de Arnez. These similar martial arts also employ hands and sticks. These arts are what gave the US Marines the name “leathernecks”.
This is because the Kali warriors in the southern Islamic Islands were reaping havoc upon American troops around the turn of the last century, to the extent that special heavy wire and stuffed leather collars were developed to ward off the Filipino natives lethal blows. I also draw from the Sevilian Spain techniques, as well as Sicilian. I also learned things from my Dad and older brothers which I assume to be of Native American origin.
I have developed my own style after b being a student of the knife for over fifty years. While sparring with others who were excellently trained in techniques from one or another, I have always been able to pull a rabbit out of my hat to overtake them with a surprise. Sparring is usually done with dulled homemade aluminum blades, rubber knives with a third party judge, or with clean Tee Shirts or bare skin and red Magic Markers. On a few occasions, the matches have been real. I can tell you that it is my opinion that few people ever win a real knife fight.
I will spend more time on edged weapons in an effective defense posture in a later post, but I will briefly introduce several principles that must be mastered.
1) Stance is most effective if constantly changing from left to right in an adaptation of the Weaver stance with the non -weight-bearing foot slightly behind. Knees should be flexible and raise and lower your body vertically.
I can compare this to surfing, with sharks all around you.
2) Watch your knees and groin area and guard them at all times. You your own feet to target these areas of your opponent. Other areas to target with your feet are chins, calves, and instep, Do not go higher than these areas with your feet in a knife fight no matter what degree of martial arts you think you are. You are too likely to be disemboweled.
3) Balance must be maintained at all times, as well as the ability to spring backward in retreat and forward in attack. Be slow to shift your weight forward.
4) Run like heck if you are able to. Shoot your opponent if he appears to be a seasoned knife-fighter. But bear in mind, an average person can close the gap of 21 feet, in less than the time the fastest man can determine a threat and draw a gun from concealment and fire accurately.
Consequently, an offender may wait un til he is right in your face to use his knife. You are very likely to have to use your hands or object of opportunity or pseudo weapon which I encourage you to always carry in your hand—some of which we have already listed. At least until you can produce your own knife.
It is good to avoid crowds in bad places: bars, unknown domain, travel, streets when possible. Your color of awareness should be elevated to orange or red in those instances, when you cannot avoid such crowds. Watch hands pockets eyes and dress for cues of weapon-welders. Such will often “broadcast” that they are carrying by repeatedly touching an area as if in reassurance. Make sure you don’t make the same mistake.
5) More people are right-handed, but any hand not seen, is a danger sign. Folded arms can also conceal an opened knife in the biggest crowd. A belt drooping on one side or the other can indicate a side-carry weapon as can a long shirt, sports-coat or vest. Look for a budge or pattern to further confirm such a guess.
7) For the most part, keep your knife low and to your knife-hand side, ready to strike at any opening. Beware of fake strikes that draw you out. A good time to strike is when an opposing strike is anticipated , being executed, or after your opponent has committed his full weight to the strike.
8) Strike hands or legs first which may be unguarded. Be ready to follow with defensive strikes or offensive strikes depending upon whether your opponent counters your strike or retreats. When he is off-balance retreating is a good time to strike further.
9) Know the lethal areas to strike. One popular video using a piece of beef carcass for drama is so full of bs that it makes me laugh. The heart are, while lethal is very hard to strike fully and lethally. Rid and carteledge guard this area. Even if you make a strike to this area, it is likely to get stuck without doing any real damage, while your opponent cuts your throat.bones also . Know the main arteries and veins of the body. For example, few people realize that a shrike to the high enter thigh femoral artery will bleed a person out in about seven seconds. Also guard ourself against such strikes.
10) Use small curved strikes that flow from one to another, but be sure that your knife is aligned and moving at an angle that will cause it to cut. What might otherwise be a good strike, could in practicality only be an inconsequential slap, if your knife not aligned properly and moving forward in a slice. Stabs should generally be reserved for special openings or to the lower sides, lower abdomen or back. The most lethal strikes when properly executed are to the throat where lie the jugular and brachial arteries.
11) As many fighters are prone to lower their heads to ward off a blow as is taught in boxing, if such an opportunity presents itself, a slice across the eyebrow will produce a lot of blood in which you can either flee from your opponent or in cases of war and times when it is absolutely called for to prevent further harm, you can use the blood-induced visual lost caused by an eyebrow slice, to quickly follow with a killing blow.
12) If you fall, keep your feet in between you and your opponent, kick savagely at him. Some techniques actually call for an intentional fall to throw your opponents balance and method up, setting them up for a lethal strike to the femoral artery from below.
13) Most knife fights do not last long unless they are between two opponents with relatively high levels of skill. The kind of energy required to maintain a fight for just a few minutes is very exhausting. If you find yourself in a defensive fight, you must try to end it as quickly as possible. Many a knife fight has been ended to a swift kick to the knee or groin,
before it really starts.
14) Be aware of your surroundings for comrades or sympathizers with your opponent, who may also engage your or trip or push you to create opportunity for your opponent.
15) Know first aid and have surgical hose with you if possible, for after-fight treatment of you or your opponent. As I have already stated, nobody wins a knife fight.
16) Thin leather gloves are useful in a knife fight as are long sleeves, leather jackets, or wrist bands. There are many ways to prepare for a fight, such as in the case of a pride fight. I refuse to divulge these preparatory techniques, as you will do better to swallow your pride and leave town. The great master of warfare, Sun-ztu, who was an accomplished martial artist, once allowed a challenger, who hadn’t guessed Sun-ztu’s martial prowess, to humiliate him to the point of crawling on his knees and squealing like a pig in the dirt and even between his challengers legs, without ever arousing The War-Master’s ire. He said this was because
he would not allow another man to control him. HAD HIS LIFE TRULY BEEN THREATENED, HE WOULD HAVE EASILY KILLED THE PHALANGER. This is a great example of not being a slave to our own pride. Pride is denounced in virtually all major religion. Just think how peaceful the world would be without individual or collective national pride. Money is not the root of all evil—PRIDE IS!
Links: The Wright Place